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02. Sabotage (Game02 Vintage Dreams Remix) posted by Alieo in Descent I + II - The Vintage Dreams Mix November 18, 2015, 02:02:57 PM 114
Music from Descent 1, Level 2: Lunar SciLab
Original Track: "Game02" by Ken Allen, Brian Luzietti, Larry Peacock, Leslie Spitzer, Jim Torres, Tim Wiles
Rearranged By: Texace12

This one was modeled after the D1 demo version of Level 2.
01. Infiltrate (Game01 Vintage Dreams Remix) posted by Alieo in Descent I + II - The Vintage Dreams Mix November 18, 2015, 01:55:57 PM 158 1
Music from Descent 1, Level 1: Lunar Outpost
Original Track: "Game01" by Ken Allen, Brian Luzietti, Larry Peacock, Leslie Spitzer, Jim Torres, Tim Wiles
Rearranged By: Texace12
Red Moons Rising posted by Kaiaatzl in a preview of what's to come October 27, 2015, 09:39:32 AM 125 4.97 (1 vote)
An interesting little track with a 3/4 time signature and a rhythmic style somewhere between Depeche Mode and Aphex Twin.  The album tag does say a thing that might make you wonder why I'm putting this here, but this track is likely only going to play in Xfing's mission without actually being on the album itself... sorta like Broken Wings.
Anyway I wanted to see what you guys thought.
Strange spirit awaits the changing of the tides
Nothing's left but for the beast; virus, inside
Swishing tail tells a story
Dark underwater fantasy
Changes shape, you don't know why
Your world; under dark skies
Body and soul torn apart
Reach into you to devour your heart
Moon's rising out here but do you see?
Now you don't want to ever leave, oh no...
Strange eyes -- strange mind, new and naked form
Plunging headfirst into dark depths, dark storms

But there's something else inside
Your swishing tail tells a story
Not such a fantasy
The spirit waits, the spirit tries to hide
And there's something else inside
I am the pain, yeah
I'm the incoming void; forever...
Body and soul torn apart
Reach into you to devour your heart
Body and soul torn apart
Reach into you to devour your heart
Forever... forever... forever...
Closer to That Button - NIN vs Allister Brimble posted by Alieo in Assorted Mixes September 12, 2015, 01:06:59 PM 153 3
Haven't done one of these in awhile...

"Closer" (Instrumental) by Nine Inch Nails
"Not That Button" by Allister Brimble
129.95 BPM

Ending is kinda bumpy, but I was just playing around with it.
In Situ - Premix 4 posted by D2Disciple in "Invasion" Music Project August 08, 2015, 06:46:33 PM 37 1 4.97 (1 vote)
Descent Community Album 2 submission - Pre-mixed

Random Items

Name Posted Views Comments Rating
T-10 posted by Sidhe Priest in Misc. October 07, 2006, 11:21:42 PM 1119
Su-27 prototype.
Doom II - "Doom" posted by Sidhe Priest in Other Games' MIDI Music December 12, 2010, 02:35:39 AM 546
GAME24 (Poltergeist Mix) posted by Alieo in Descent: Orchestrate­d January 07, 2013, 01:20:13 AM 39
"The Smelter" by Texace Psychclone

Deep in the shadows as the bell tolls
Lurks a danger down by the fiery coals
Prepare for descent, Material Defender
And watch your back on this next endeavor

Once an overseer of slag determination
The virus has modified its concentration
Camouflaged, cloaked, or suited up naturally
The Smelter looks to commit a fatality

Moderately threatening is its repulsion system
At two meters size, you just might miss him
It sometimes wields proximity bombs
But mostly makes y'all cry for your moms

So thrust your burners and fire your lasers
And load up on weapons of energy savers
Dog fighting and sniping are the keys to success
So you can move on to Dravis' next mess
GAME17 (8-bit Remix) posted by Alieo in Descent 8-bit May 30, 2012, 12:49:32 PM 24
The Curse of Razzadoon posted by Kaiaatzl in The Odd Canon April 09, 2013, 03:25:28 PM 591
Razzadoon's Curse or the Curse of the Otter:
Anything electronic in your general vicinity will start doing nothing except spewing out the name "RAZZADOOOON!!!" over and over and over, with various amounts of "o"s if its a visual display like a TV or a computer screen.  Even things like ovens and toasters will modulate their humming sounds so that they sound like they're whispering the name, and it doesn't stop if the device is turned off or unplugged.  The whispering persists for several days and only stops when you're horrifyingly and excruciatingly transformed into a wild feline or occasionally some other carnivorous animal -- keeping nothing but your intelligence and sanity.
The so-called "curse" (which is not actually magical, but an application of incredibly sophisticated lutran technology) was specifically designed to preserve the sanity of its victims.  One might even say that the continuation of sanity is the real Curse of Razzadoon.

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Total Albums: 65
Total Comments: 266
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