

The Odd Canon
Album - Owner: Kaiaatzl - 5 items
The Odd Canon -- a collection of short stories, songs, and probably not artwork.
The Fearret's Journal will get put here as well, once it's finished.
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 Views: 1
Apr 09, 2013
 Views: 1
Apr 09, 2013
The Curse of Razzadoon
Razzadoon's Curse or the Curse of the Otter:
Anything electronic in your general vicinity will start doing nothing except spewing out the name "RAZZADOOOON!!!" over and over and over, with various amounts of "o"s if its a visual display like a TV or a computer screen.  Even things like ovens and toa…
 Views: 694
Apr 09, 2013
 Views: 3
Apr 12, 2013
 Views: 171
Apr 13, 2013
Aeva Media 1.4w © 2008-2011 Nao & Dragooon - Wedge: level up your forum!

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