

Album - Owner: Sidhe Priest - 3 items
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Descent Briefing - Bass Kicks Test August 08, 2012, 03:05:22 PM 132
Briefing.mid showing off parts of a new drumkit. There might be a new Soundfont drumkit, synthesised from scratch. This is still new bits mixed with old parts.
Descent Briefing - Bass Kicks Test Solo August 08, 2012, 03:10:42 PM 129
Briefing.mid showing off parts of a new drumkit. There might be a new Soundfont drumkit, synthesised from scratch. This is still new bits mixed with old parts. This is just the drumkit soloed.
Wizard Light January 12, 2011, 09:20:00 AM 447
Something for Morrowind. Background magical hum for a light.
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