
Author Topic: Descendent Studios has a partner  (Read 3044 times)

Offline PyroJockey

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Descendent Studios has a partner
« on: November 06, 2017, 08:24:59 PM »
Saw on the Descendent Studios development blog that they picked up a partner with a publishing arm.

This may bring back some of the lost interest in the project. They also will be porting to the PS4 and XBox. It would be cool if they allowed cross platform play.
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Re: Descendent Studios has a partner
« Reply #1 on: November 07, 2017, 07:13:13 AM »
To me, it seems rather fitting, at least from a Descent history standpoint--it's similar to how Parallax ended up partnering with Interplay way back in the day, because Interplay was willing to provide services namely in distribution that Parallax couldn't on it's own at the time. Descendant is seeking to do much the same thing here.

Of course, I hope this arrangement ultimately works out better for Descendant than it obviously did for Parallax with Interplay.  ::)
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Re: Descendent Studios has a partner
« Reply #2 on: November 08, 2017, 11:25:55 AM »
I'm of the opinion that D:U is barely on life support. I've tried to log in a few times over the past year, and I've only seen one other player once... For about 3 minutes.

I backed at 25 dollars, and played the EA extensively when it first dropped. Had a blast, got my money's worth, I've moved on. Once (new) DOOM dropped last year, I really haven't had much reason to go back to D:U.

I'd love to see it reach a full release with a partnership and get another chance at some multiplayer action, but I'm not terribly hopeful. My best wishes to the D:U team, though.
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Re: Descendent Studios has a partner
« Reply #3 on: November 08, 2017, 05:25:54 PM »
I just hope they come up with better weapon effects. Even D3 has better weapon animations.
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Re: Descendent Studios has a partner
« Reply #4 on: November 09, 2017, 06:42:51 AM »
Personally, I always had problems running it at a decent graphical quality to make it worthwhile, because usually running it at anything less than max settings it seems just turns the render quality to crap. This is in stark contrast to Overload, which still looks beautiful even at or near to its lowest graphical settings, making it appear the more professionally designed game of the two. But I'm hoping this partnership will allow DU to better optimize things like that so to resolve that matter.

That said, I think it will be the still ensuing single-player campaign that will really determine if DU sinks or floats, but Descendant's rightly been very quiet about what they've got planned for that, so it's hard to predict how that will go over. But from the start, that was what I was always interested in about DU--the multiplayer was really more just an amusing distraction to keep me busy in the meantime.

I still say DU could be doing more graphically to make it match up in style with its predecessor Descent games. It doesn't visually look enough like Descent in a lot of ways...but I think we've reached the point that Descendant's not going to change that now.  ::)
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