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Embed media. User Uploaded Media
User Uploaded Media
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This is an example of user uploaded media.

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Item Info

The Chief

  • Commander
  • Total Items: 2
  • Total Comments: 3
PostedApril 24, 2009, 05:07:22 PM
Width × Height720 × 486
Filesize28 KB
Rating 5 (2 votes) (Weighted average: 4.98)
Last EditedApril 24, 2009, 05:24:17 PM
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Ronin RedFox

  • PotD Maintainer
  • Total Items: 2
  • Total Comments: 4
Comment #1 - Posted May 02, 2009, 12:55:14 PM
This is a good picture. It is now becoming my backround!

EDIT: Have  a 1024 x 768 one?

The Chief

  • Commander
  • Total Items: 2
  • Total Comments: 3
Comment #2 - Posted May 09, 2009, 06:30:05 AM
No, I don't, sorry. I don't even remember where I got this one. You could use XnVeiw or another program to resize it. If you need help post in the forum, as there is no notification to new comments in this section.
Aeva Media 1.4w © 2008-2011 Nao & Dragooon - Wedge: level up your forum!

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