
Author Topic: Fast and Furious - Wolfie's Tea Room  (Read 4723 times)

Offline Darkflamewolf

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Fast and Furious - Wolfie's Tea Room
« on: January 12, 2012, 04:24:25 AM »
Blarget dared me to remake one of the most smallest, boxiest levels to ever...er...grace the Descent MP scene. Well I took him up on his dare and I made this extravagant level based off the original design. Its small, fast, and furious! Never a break!
I hope people enjoy it!


Offline SaladBadger

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Re: Fast and Furious - Wolfie's Tea Room
« Reply #1 on: January 12, 2012, 12:50:18 PM »
Getting a nice nostalgic feeling from this, where are the textures from?

Also, you're on a leveling rampage here. This is a good thing.

Offline Darkflamewolf

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Re: Fast and Furious - Wolfie's Tea Room
« Reply #2 on: January 12, 2012, 02:23:56 PM »
The textures are mostly from Shadow Warrior.

Even made a small video of a compilation of my four recent levels. Even has a sneak peek at my next level to be released soon!
Latest Descent MP Level Recap

Update! The floor of bricks has been lowered by 2 units to better claim Smart Missiles and Bomb packs. Anymore and you run the risk of getting stuck on the cropped brick railings overlooking the waterway. So 5 units high is the new 'ground' cube height. That should alleviate 'vacuum cleaning' in this level. LOL The missiles will still appear there, but they are more easily acquirable. (or should be anyway)
« Last Edit: January 13, 2012, 08:38:24 PM by Darkflamewolf »

Offline karx-elf-erx

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Re: Fast and Furious - Wolfie's Tea Room
« Reply #3 on: January 14, 2012, 04:22:08 AM »
Geez - I want to see some screenies with the D2X-XL logo here, too! :D

I wanted the images to be links, but this forum doesn't support that ... sheesh ... so I added a text link to the full size images behind each downsized screenshot here.

click here for full size image

click here for full size image

click here for full size image

click here for full size image

click here for full size image

click here for full size image

click here for full size image

click here for full size image

click here for full size image

click here for full size image

« Last Edit: January 14, 2012, 04:33:03 AM by karx-elf-erx »

Offline Darkflamewolf

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Re: Fast and Furious - Wolfie's Tea Room
« Reply #4 on: January 14, 2012, 06:41:05 PM »
Nice pics Diedel!
And now we have a play video!
Wolfie's Tea Room - Rushhouse Grind!


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