Planet Descent

Community => Mess Hall => Topic started by: Scyphi on June 18, 2010, 07:30:04 AM

Title: Request...
Post by: Scyphi on June 18, 2010, 07:30:04 AM
I need help identifying some of the people who made the pics that appear in the following pic.

The reason why: I arranged it into what you see now, and thereby want to post it on DeviantART, but I didn't make the individual pics it's made out of. I just pieced them together. It's only fair that I give credit to the people for their pics that I used. Unfortunately, I can't remember who they all were, so I hope someone here does.

I'm fairly certain credit for some of them goes to MDCougar, but that's about the limit of my knowledge (knew I should've taken notes about who made what when I put that pic together!).

So yeah, if you can help, it'll be greatly appreciated.
Title: Re: Request...
Post by: NUMBERZero on June 18, 2010, 07:55:20 AM
I think Kuman99 did a couple.
Title: Re: Request...
Post by: Scyphi on June 19, 2010, 08:24:18 AM
Kuman 99...that's sounds right, thanks! :D
Title: Re: Request...
Post by: Fennecfox on June 21, 2010, 07:57:34 AM
That looks cool! Sorry I don't know about who made them, but mind if I make it my desktop background?  :)
Title: Re: Request...
Post by: Sapphirus on June 21, 2010, 09:26:16 AM
and a few of them by Kruel (e.g. the Black Pyro chasing the Phoenix)
Title: Re: Request...
Post by: Scyphi on June 22, 2010, 05:33:02 AM
FennecFox: Yes, you may, in fact, I made it a desktop pic out of it when I made it, didn't look half bad, too. :)

SapphireWolf: Thnx, I think that's everyone now. There couldn't have been more than three artists as memory serves...