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29. Piecemeal (Game03 Vintage Dreams Mix) posted by Alieo in Descent I + II - The Vintage Dreams Mix January 30, 2020, 10:02:33 PM 34
Music from Descent 1, Secret Level 2: Asteroid Storage Depot
Original Track: "Game03" by Ken Allen, Brian Luzietti, Larry Peacock, Leslie Spitzer, Jim Torres, Tim Wiles
Rearranged By: DJ Hearseman (formerly Texace12, formerly formerly Alieo) via SynthFont

You've heard this before. It was the one I had for Level 3, but I reassigned it to Secret Level 2 (Song 29).
30. Overrun (Game04 Vintage Dreams Mix) posted by Alieo in Descent I + II - The Vintage Dreams Mix January 30, 2020, 10:05:38 PM 31
Music from Descent 1, Secret Level 3: Astoroid... something something... (can someone help? I forgot the name of the third secret level of D1. It was that really difficult one with the fusion hulks all over the place; briefing said it was overran with infected robots.)
Original Track: "Game04" by Ken Allen, Brian Luzietti, Larry Peacock, Leslie Spitzer, Jim Torres, Tim Wiles
Rearranged By: DJ Hearseman (formerly Texace12, formerly formerly Alieo) via SynthFont

New Mix from 2020!
31. Raging 20s (Descent Title Screen Theme Vintage Dreams Mix) posted by Alieo in Descent I + II - The Vintage Dreams Mix January 30, 2020, 10:07:40 PM 37
Music from Descent 1 Title Screen/Descent Theme
Original Track: "title" by Ken Allen, Brian Luzietti, Larry Peacock, Leslie Spitzer, Jim Torres, Tim Wiles
Rearranged By: DJ Hearseman (formerly Texace12, formerly formerly Alieo) via SynthFont
32. Cold Space (Briefing Vintage Dreams Mix) posted by Alieo in Descent I + II - The Vintage Dreams Mix January 30, 2020, 10:10:45 PM 47
Music from Descent 1, Briefing
Original Track: "Briefing" by Ken Allen, Brian Luzietti, Larry Peacock, Leslie Spitzer, Jim Torres, Tim Wiles
Rearranged By: DJ Hearseman (formerly Texace12, formerly formerly Alieo) via SynthFont
33. EG2020 (Endgame Vintage Dreams Mix) posted by Alieo in Descent I + II - The Vintage Dreams Mix January 30, 2020, 10:12:33 PM 52
Music from Descent 1, Ending Cutscene
Original Track: "Endgame" by Ken Allen, Brian Luzietti, Larry Peacock, Leslie Spitzer, Jim Torres, Tim Wiles
Rearranged By: DJ Hearseman (formerly Texace12, formerly formerly Alieo) via SynthFont

Random Items

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Game04 (8-bit Remix) posted by Alieo in Descent 8-bit May 30, 2012, 12:20:35 PM 27
28. Astro Base (Game02 Vintage Dreams Mix) posted by Alieo in Descent I + II - The Vintage Dreams Mix January 30, 2020, 10:00:21 PM 41
Music from Descent 1, Secret Level 1: Asteroid Secret Base
Original Track: "Game02" by Ken Allen, Brian Luzietti, Larry Peacock, Leslie Spitzer, Jim Torres, Tim Wiles
Rearranged By: DJ Hearseman (formerly Texace12, formerly formerly Alieo) via SynthFont
InfilTraitor posted by Kaiaatzl in Easy Streaming and Linking - public March 02, 2011, 05:28:31 PM 459 2
A mix of the styles of Gunner Down from D2 Redbook and the Starlight Carnival BGM from Sonic Colours, with a hint of the style of the "Lost Colony" music from Sonic Adventure 2 (which I've finally been able to play on an emulator of the Dreamcast :D).
It has an ending that feels like an ending but also loops seamlessly to the beginning (it's all in the drums ;)).  It's also very organ heavy (hammond style organs with cool LFOs).

Incidentally this is the first song where I was able to use the FL Maximus plugin to increase the volume without making it sound terrible.

The screenshot is from my level "7-up".

EDIT: I forgot to say that both this and StarLite were made with my keyboard, not just writing the music into FL Studio.
V05 - Poison Dart, D2 Vertigo Death Correlation posted by Kaiaatzl in Descent 2 Vertigo Fox Redbook Correlations July 04, 2011, 04:55:27 PM 154
Title: Poison Dart

Correlated Song: Death

Correlated Levels: Artifact Research Station, Exodus Research Facility, Morabi Milk Mine

Project: Solarian

Description: Acid-Video-Game.  Kind of cinematic.  I'm considering submitting this to Miner Wars, but I haven't decided yet.
03. Old Moon (Game03 Shareware Vintage Dreams Mix) posted by Alieo in Descent I + II - The Vintage Dreams Mix January 30, 2020, 09:30:42 PM 41
Music from Descent 1, Level 3: Lunar Military Base
Original Track: "Game03" by Ken Allen, Brian Luzietti, Larry Peacock, Leslie Spitzer, Jim Torres, Tim Wiles
Rearranged By: DJ Hearseman (formerly Texace12, formerly formerly Alieo) via SynthFont

Had some time and came back to finish this project off. Pardon the loss of Descent font in image; that was 2-3 computers ago.

Total Items: 706
Total Albums: 65
Total Comments: 266
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