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Descent Classic "Box Art" for Rebirth
The Descent box artwork wallpaper with a "DXX REBIRTH" title.

To Zico.  ;D
 Views: 1392
Posted by D2Disciple
Feb 02, 2010
in Descent photos
Lego GX 3
This joker has much firepower for a handheld rendition of our favorite zero-gravity spacecraft.  ;)

The "thumbs up" is for size comparison.
 Views: 1383
Posted by D2Disciple
May 26, 2009
in Descent photos
 Views: 1379
Posted by -<WillyP>-
Dec 30, 2009
in WillyP
 Views: 1367
Posted by -<WillyP>-
Dec 30, 2009
in WillyP
 Views: 1341
Posted by -<WillyP>-
Dec 30, 2009
in WillyP

Random Items

 Views: 117
 Rating: 2.27
Posted by Alieo
Jun 10, 2012
in Descent MIDI/REDBOOK Correlati…
 Views: 585
Posted by Kaiaatzl
Nov 09, 2010
in Descent Dreams - The New Enemy…
 Views: 122
Posted by Alieo
Nov 23, 2015
in Descent I + II - The Vintage D…
 Views: 1520
Posted by Alieo
May 30, 2012
in Descent MIDI/REDBOOK Correlati…
Next-gen Russian/Indian stealthy fighter prototype. Roughly equivalent to F-22 by specs, but slightly larger, with a larger weapons bay and more complex aerodynamics. Oh, and 3D vectored thrust engines (superior agility).
 Views: 759
Posted by Sidhe Priest
Dec 13, 2010
in Misc.

Total Items: 706
Total Albums: 65
Total Comments: 266
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