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Bell 687 Ringer posted by Sidhe Priest in Ringtones February 04, 2013, 10:01:13 AM 15 2
A real boxy dial phone ringer. As authentic as it comes, ehehe. Edited sample off somewhere on Freesound.org.
Overload Transmit NORMAL posted by Scyphi in Scyphi February 23, 2020, 06:57:05 PM 15
Garbled transmission in Skoll Outpost Briefing, as it plays normally.
Tangerine Call posted by Sidhe Priest in Ringtones February 22, 2012, 05:59:12 PM 16
Something with a couple of VA synths.
FM Bells Message posted by Sidhe Priest in Ringtones February 23, 2012, 03:19:27 PM 16
Nice, mellowish message alert.
Superbell Buzz posted by Sidhe Priest in Ringtones February 23, 2012, 03:22:27 PM 16
Pidgin sound scheme really, but it works for phones of course.

Random Items

Name Posted Views Comments Rating
Self posted by Sidhe Priest in Misc. December 24, 2010, 10:00:46 PM 783 1
Nasty unshaven webcam shot No. 5.
Not That Button/Game10 Correlation Mix posted by Alieo in Descent MIDI/REDBOOK Correlation­s Album December 14, 2012, 09:13:13 PM 65
Seems to go better with Game10, no?
Chaos Bolt posted by Kaiaatzl in Easy Streaming and Linking - public August 23, 2011, 11:21:02 AM 603 3
Remix of Descent 2 Game 3

Keeps the percussive feel of the original and amps up the creepiness.
Musically, instead of making a couple of big changes to some parts, I made a whole lot of little changes to the key, melody, chord progression etc.  There's only really one big change in the melody and you hear it right away.

The other big changes are to the percussion to make the song feel more chaotic.  Including some cool filtering effects on the drums.
Screenshot005 posted by -<WillyP>- in WillyP December 30, 2009, 07:47:07 PM 1060
Descent - BASSMIDI Playback posted by Sidhe Priest in Descent MIDI Music April 30, 2011, 10:26:28 PM 646
This is Descent.mid played with the Silverspring Soundfont 2 bank. The soft synth is BASSMIDI Windows driver. The BASSMIDI library developed by Ian Luck of Un4seen Developments, this is a Windows driver port that works as a system MIDI driver under Windows XP/Vista/7, and probably 2000.

Total Items: 706
Total Albums: 65
Total Comments: 266
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