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Danielle's "Silent Nights" posted by Sidhe Priest in Inspirations December 24, 2011, 08:42:36 PM
Danielle's version of "Silent Nights". Check out the
Themtube page
for more info.
A character sheet!!! posted by Kaiaatzl in The Odd Canon April 12, 2013, 07:46:13 PM 3
A character sheet!!!  I always do character sketches when I'm coming up with new characters.  So here are
a few of the sketches for important or reccurring characters in the Odd Canon.
I know there's a bit of a gender imbalance among these important characters.  I'm working on developing some more female characters strong enough to be major characters, but I have some trouble understanding the female side of things enough to write it believably.  So I'm a little bit slower at coming up with female characters than with male characters.  For what it's worth the two major female characters I do have in here are two of my favourite characters I've ever invented.

Fair warning: spoilers abound in here.  Not just character development spoilers but some pretty big plot points from stories like The Fearret's Journal and Reality's Zipper.  If you actually want to read my writing (in that case I'm honored) then you might want to give this a miss.
On the other fork of the tail, if you've been listening to some of my vocal songs and have no idea what's going on in their lyrics, then if the song is set in the Odd Canon this document might give you just enough background info on the character doing the singing to figure out what the hell he (or she) is singing about.  Or something like that.
19. Crush 2020 (Game19 Vintage Dreams Mix) posted by Alieo in Descent I + II - The Vintage Dreams Mix January 30, 2020, 09:52:22 PM 2
Music from Descent 1, Level 19: Oberon Mine Track: "Game19" by Ken Allen, Brian Luzietti, Larry Peacock, Leslie Spitzer, Jim Torres, Tim Wiles
Rearranged By: DJ Hearseman (formerly Texace12, formerly formerly Alieo) via SynthFont
52. Descent II Game02 (Vintage Dreams 'Zeta Aquilae' Mix) posted by Alieo in Descent I + II - The Vintage Dreams Mix January 30, 2020, 10:27:07 PM 2
Music from Descent 2, Level 2: Turnabout Bore
Original Track: "Game02" by Dan Wentz
Rearranged By: DJ Hearseman (formerly Texace12, formerly formerly Alieo) via SynthFont
Time for the Big Guns (Orpheus Extended Arrangement) posted by Alieo in Assorted September 10, 2020, 07:59:03 PM 4
GAME22: "Time for the Big Guns" Orpheus Extended Arrangement

Orpheus SoundFont sounds so real.

Random Items

Name Posted Views Comments Rating
Europa - Haywire posted by Kaiaatzl in Asteroid Remix Factory October 05, 2011, 08:58:14 AM 267
An electro D&B remix of the Europa Mining Colony theme from D1.
It stays unusually close to the original but still adds on to it heavily.
Doom II - "The Demon's Dead" (overprocessed) posted by Sidhe Priest in Other Games' MIDI Music November 03, 2010, 08:58:35 AM 616
Compressor+overtone generator run on this one.
55. Descent II Credits (Vintage Dreams Mix) posted by Alieo in Descent I + II - The Vintage Dreams Mix January 30, 2020, 10:35:40 PM 80
Music from Descent 2, Credits
Original Track: "Credits" by Dan Wentz
Rearranged By: DJ Hearseman (formerly Texace12, formerly formerly Alieo) via SynthFont

And that concludes all of the Vintage Dreams project I've been putting off for five years now. I'd like to make a new variation of each world (a Quartzon mix, Brimspark, Limefrost spiral) for each of the 4 songs, but I've been very busy lately. Got my CDL 3 years ago and drive trucks now, got engaged two years ago, and lost my father last year. Lots of changes. I simply don't have time to devote to Descent related stuff lately. I still pop Descent music on every now and then, of course. Y'all be good! Hopefully I get the D2 files done before 2030?
19 Tethys 1 posted by Kaiaatzl in D1 Remastered Examples September 16, 2010, 09:58:28 PM 531
Mysterious Screenshot #1 posted by Kaiaatzl in Mysterious excerpts February 10, 2012, 12:16:09 PM 638

Total Items: 706
Total Albums: 65
Total Comments: 266
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