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33. EG2020 (Endgame Vintage Dreams Mix) posted by Alieo in Descent I + II - The Vintage Dreams Mix January 30, 2020, 10:12:33 PM 95
Music from Descent 1, Ending Cutscene
Original Track: "Endgame" by Ken Allen, Brian Luzietti, Larry Peacock, Leslie Spitzer, Jim Torres, Tim Wiles
Rearranged By: DJ Hearseman (formerly Texace12, formerly formerly Alieo) via SynthFont
32. Cold Space (Briefing Vintage Dreams Mix) posted by Alieo in Descent I + II - The Vintage Dreams Mix January 30, 2020, 10:10:45 PM 93
Music from Descent 1, Briefing
Original Track: "Briefing" by Ken Allen, Brian Luzietti, Larry Peacock, Leslie Spitzer, Jim Torres, Tim Wiles
Rearranged By: DJ Hearseman (formerly Texace12, formerly formerly Alieo) via SynthFont
31. Raging 20s (Descent Title Screen Theme Vintage Dreams Mix) posted by Alieo in Descent I + II - The Vintage Dreams Mix January 30, 2020, 10:07:40 PM 89
Music from Descent 1 Title Screen/Descent Theme
Original Track: "title" by Ken Allen, Brian Luzietti, Larry Peacock, Leslie Spitzer, Jim Torres, Tim Wiles
Rearranged By: DJ Hearseman (formerly Texace12, formerly formerly Alieo) via SynthFont
30. Overrun (Game04 Vintage Dreams Mix) posted by Alieo in Descent I + II - The Vintage Dreams Mix January 30, 2020, 10:05:38 PM 78
Music from Descent 1, Secret Level 3: Astoroid... something something... (can someone help? I forgot the name of the third secret level of D1. It was that really difficult one with the fusion hulks all over the place; briefing said it was overran with infected robots.)
Original Track: "Game04" by Ken Allen, Brian Luzietti, Larry Peacock, Leslie Spitzer, Jim Torres, Tim Wiles
Rearranged By: DJ Hearseman (formerly Texace12, formerly formerly Alieo) via SynthFont

New Mix from 2020!
29. Piecemeal (Game03 Vintage Dreams Mix) posted by Alieo in Descent I + II - The Vintage Dreams Mix January 30, 2020, 10:02:33 PM 84
Music from Descent 1, Secret Level 2: Asteroid Storage Depot
Original Track: "Game03" by Ken Allen, Brian Luzietti, Larry Peacock, Leslie Spitzer, Jim Torres, Tim Wiles
Rearranged By: DJ Hearseman (formerly Texace12, formerly formerly Alieo) via SynthFont

You've heard this before. It was the one I had for Level 3, but I reassigned it to Secret Level 2 (Song 29).

Random Items

Name Posted Views Comments Rating
Scorpion posted by Sidhe Priest in Misc. July 14, 2010, 04:07:17 PM 809
Visiting scorpion. In the bathroom. Already squished.
Mysterious Screenshot #2 posted by Kaiaatzl in Mysterious excerpts February 10, 2012, 12:18:09 PM 690
Music: Energy (PM Level 8) posted by Pumo in Pumo Mines March 03, 2011, 10:51:01 PM 445 1 4.97 (1 vote)
Title: "Energy"
This is Level 8 (Aquariuma Sera 9 Power Station) theme song as used on Pumo Mines : Kartsal Motivation.

Composed by: Me  ;D (R.a.M. Land)
Call of the Serpent posted by Kaiaatzl in Descent Dreams - The New Enemy Within OST October 09, 2010, 07:21:38 AM 612
Theme of Level 17 - Descent Dreams (the titular level for the soundtrack :P)

I'll try to make at least one other song with the word "Serpent" in the title.  Fits the mission's story.
History nibbles! posted by Kaiaatzl in Best of the Irrelevant Show April 24, 2011, 07:48:11 PM 358
Gratuitous sillyness.
My personal fav.  Not sure what this says about me.

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Total Albums: 65
Total Comments: 266
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