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Su-37 Engine
Su-37 engine, 3D vectored thrust nozzle.
 Views: 1491
Posted by Sidhe Priest
Sep 14, 2005
in Misc.
Su-27 prototype.
 Views: 1132
Posted by Sidhe Priest
Oct 07, 2006
in Misc.
BOR-4S Wallpaper - Re-entry
BOR-4S, a real orbital interceptor prototype. Designed in the USSR in the 1970s. It was meant to shoot down satellites. Each sortie would last 2 hours, with shuttle-style atmospheric re-entry. It would carry 6-10 missiles in the weapons bay.
 Views: 762
Posted by Sidhe Priest
Oct 30, 2006
in Pyromania
BOR-4S Wallpaper
BOR-4S, a real orbital interceptor prototype. Designed in the USSR in the 1970s. It was meant to shoot down satellites. Each sortie would last 2 hours, with shuttle-style atmospheric re-entry. It would carry 6-10 missiles in the weapons bay.
 Views: 732
Posted by Sidhe Priest
Apr 26, 2007
in Pyromania
Zoom Details 1
Su-35 Taking Off
The final Su-35 standard has done without canards, thanks to FCS and engine thrust vectoring improvements.

Here it is taking off from the company's Siberian factory runway. Beautiful, isn't she?
 Views: 1073
 Comments: 1
Posted by Sidhe Priest
Oct 13, 2008
in Misc.

Random Items

 Views: 151
Posted by Alieo
Nov 18, 2013
in Assorted Mixes
Happy Birthday hopes
 Views: 579
Posted by TechPro
Oct 26, 2012
in Stuff I've posted
 Views: 808
Posted by Kaiaatzl
Feb 14, 2011
in Easy Streaming and Linking - p…
 Views: 1175
 Comments: 3
 Rating: 4.98
Posted by D2Disciple
May 02, 2009
in "Invasion" Music Project
 Views: 99
Posted by Alieo
Nov 23, 2015
in Descent I + II - The Vintage D…

Total Items: 706
Total Albums: 65
Total Comments: 266
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