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Sinepad Message Soun… Bell 687 Ringer
Bell 687 Ringer
A real boxy dial phone ringer. As authentic as it comes, ehehe. Edited sample off somewhere on Freesound.org.

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Sidhe Priest

  • Total Items: 232
  • Total Comments: 31
PostedFebruary 04, 2013, 10:01:13 AM
Filesize166 KB
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Duration: 4s
Bit rate: 307 kbps
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  • Total Items: 157
  • Total Comments: 68
Comment #1 - Posted February 04, 2013, 11:15:47 PM
Hmm! I'd love to leave this on at a sizable volume and leave the house as it plays endlessly and endlessly. Then someone gets home (other than me) and wonders WTF it's coming from! hehe

Sidhe Priest

  • Total Items: 232
  • Total Comments: 31
Comment #2 - Posted February 08, 2013, 03:02:03 PM
Now you can :-P
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