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Call of the Serpent Penumbra Grind
Penumbra Grind
Theme of Level 22 - Over then Under

The song has 2 parts (kind of like the level :P), the first is more ambient, kind of like the level 22 song from Vignettes.  The second part is the meat and potatoes of the song :P.  All in all the song has a similar "alien" style to Robot Jungle from the D2 Redbook.

Technically the song could also be called "Grind in A-flat Minor".  I'll explain why:

This song is a spoof on all those classical music books that have songs named things like "Sonata in C major", and "Bouncy Waltz".  And those songs mostly do have other names (like Fur Elise, for instance).

So I made my own subgenre of Industrial (seriously!).  And I called it "Grind".  And this is the only "real" grind song (seriously!).  I'll probably do more grind in the future though.

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  • Total Items: 198
  • Total Comments: 105
PostedOctober 09, 2010, 07:11:56 AM
Filesize9669 KB
Last EditedOctober 11, 2010, 09:31:16 AM
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Duration: 04:07
Bit rate: 320 kbps
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