
Audio File

13 Ratzez (GAME13 Pl… 14 Outerlim­its (BRIE… 15 Ether in the Air…
14 Outerlimits (BRIEFING Playstation Redbook Version)
"Outerlimits" by Allister Brimble
BRIEFING Playstation Redbook Version

Used in: "Level Complete/Mine Destroyed" screen.

Notes: This was NOT used as background music for briefing screens. Briefings were read by the same computer voice that famously notifies you when "self destruct sequence activated" has been initiated upon destruction of the mine's reactor. When you exit the mine, a cinematic cutscene plays, and after that, when the screen pops up that says, for example, "Level 1 Complete - Lunar Outpost Destroyed," this music plays. The song does give me the visualization of a mine in shambles.

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  • Total Items: 157
  • Total Comments: 68
PostedJune 04, 2012, 01:55:18 PM
Filesize2401 KB
Filename14 Outerlimits (Playstation Version).mp3
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Duration: 02:33
Bit rate: 128 kbps
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