
Audio File

V01 - Falcon Core, D… V02 - FireFlas­h, D2… V03 - Apocalyp­tik, D…
V02 - FireFlash, D2 Vertigo Glut Correlation
Title: FireFlash

Correlated Song: Glut

Correlated Levels: Transmode Containment 2112, Metacave Weapons Research, Fold Zandura

Project: Solarian

Description: Plays up the spooky aspect of Glut... in fact it plays that up to the extreme.  So extreme, that it feels like a cross between Glut and the Eggmanland music from Sonic Unleashed.
This is the theme of Fireclaw Smelting and Manufacturing in Maximum Vertigo.  Fireclaw is in reality a front for the Mad Scientists' League of Kith.  This song plays during the events that ultimately lead to the demise of Fireclaw and all its members.

This is actually a double correlation -- it also correlates with 'Overdrive' from the D1 MAC OST.

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  • Total Items: 198
  • Total Comments: 105
PostedJuly 04, 2011, 04:44:51 PM
Filesize12565 KB
Last EditedJuly 04, 2011, 04:55:20 PM
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Duration: 05:21
Bit rate: 320 kbps
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