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Nobody Told Him Abou… Terminat­or - Global1…
Terminator - Global19.mid
There was a Terminator-based game in the mid-90s, a DOS-based first-person shooter, much like Doom.

BTW, this uses the analogue-style Supersaw Soundfont and the Ensoniq/E-Mu synthesised drum Soundfont, leave a comment if interested...

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Item Info

Sidhe Priest

  • Total Items: 232
  • Total Comments: 31
PostedNovember 03, 2010, 12:50:23 PM
Filesize5201 KB
KeywordsTerminator, MIDI
Last EditedNovember 03, 2010, 12:52:22 PM
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Duration: 02:13
Bit rate: 318 kbps
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