

Obsidian Soundtrack ReMakes
Album - Owner: Kaiaatzl - 2 items
Obsidian, like the Entropy Experiment, had a great midi soundtrack that was far ahead of its time.  The limitations of the midi format, however, had a huge (and very bad) impact on what could have been so much more if it wasn't a midi soundtrack.  There were only a few sound sets where you could actually hear how great the soundtrack really was, and the lack of filters, lack of realistic guitars, and the limitations of midi drum sets (mostly the limits of having only 2 kicks and 2 snares per song) all put a cap on what otherwise could have been so much better.

I'm remaking each of the nine songs from scratch and trying to bring them all some of 'what could have been'.

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May 24, 2012
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Feb 03, 2012
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