

Asteroid Remix Factory
Album - Owner: Kaiaatzl - 11 items
My remixes of the music from Descent.
From now on they will be found in here!

Check back often, with Alieo's frequency of uploads you might not see if there's something new here :P.

It's like an asteroid robot factory but it makes remixes!
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Mars - Swarm October 05, 2011, 08:56:33 AM 306
Mars Processing Station rap remix Roll Eyes.

It even has vocals... by Blaster Bamboozle: the Balladeer from Beta Ceti!
The Swarm
The Swarm

Deep inside the smelter I have found a killer swarm
Lancing homing flying box of death
The red ones are a challenge they can sneak in from behind
The blue one can make all the others stronger

All these flying death machines
Are made from what is mined here
Virally infected and then weaponized
All these flying death machines
Are made from ore refined here
They must be stopped destroy the smelter
Or they will reach earth


Deep inside the smelter we have found an obstacle
Flying lancing flaming ship that must explode
Red ones you corner him
Blue ones you amplify them
Grey ones you deal the final blow

All these flying death machines
Are made from what is mined here
Virally infected and then weaponized
All these flying death machines
Are made from ore refined here
Virally infected and then weaponized
All these flying death machines
Are made from what is MINE here
They must be stopped destroy the smelter
Or they will reach my--


Blast the flying box of doom

Dodge the homing rocket

Grab the upgrade green

All the keys and reach the core
They can't fight me anymore
Go, blast away and start the countdown

Find the exit hatch
Kill the power patch
Head up, to the surface
I start to breathe again


The Swarm
The Swarm
Europa - Haywire October 05, 2011, 08:58:14 AM 267
An electro D&B remix of the Europa Mining Colony theme from D1.
It stays unusually close to the original but still adds on to it heavily.
Oberon - Assembly Line October 05, 2011, 09:07:44 AM 342
D3-style remix of the D1 level 19 music.
Mild swing rhythm -- because, in fact, of all the D1 and D2 music this song fits a swing rhythm best.
Turnabout Bore - Preadator October 05, 2011, 09:09:05 AM 243
Remix of the D2 level 2 theme.
Wenl Mine - Chaos Bolt October 05, 2011, 09:10:16 AM 456
Remix of Descent 2 Game 3

Keeps the percussive feel of the original and amps up the creepiness.
Musically, instead of making a couple of big changes to some parts, I made a whole lot of little changes to the key, melody, chord progression etc.  There's only really one big change in the melody and you hear it right away.

The other big changes are to the percussion to make the song feel more chaotic.  Including some cool filtering effects on the drums.
Pieces January 03, 2012, 09:02:28 PM 122
Descent level 18 ADHD remix.
SuperWeapon January 03, 2012, 09:07:18 PM 274
A little bit of Haunted in there too

Vocals are by Jim Johnson: Jingle Jock!


Don't let it hit you
You know what you see
You fight the superweapon
Made by a mining company
It has missiles and guns
And believe you me
This weapon will tempt you
With the power to be

Resist the temptation
Fight the power
Hold your own and
Destroy the weapon
Don't listen to it
Treacherous lies!
You know you want it
But you won't you won't you won't

Don't let the weapon hit you!
Don't let the robot see!
Don't let the weapon hit you!
You know you want it but you won't you won't you won't

You know that you want it but you won't you won't you won't
You know that you want it but you won't you won't you won't
You know that you want it but you won't you won't you won't
You know that you want it but you won't you won't you won't
This is the superweapon
It can give you the power to rule
You know that you want it but you won't you won't you won't
You know that you want it but you won't you won't you won't
Pyrohawk (D2_01) January 12, 2012, 07:23:56 PM 320
Pyrohawk - Descent 2 level 1 remix

Rap-like remix

Vocals by Billy-Bob Boombox



I'm gonna find, what is hidden inside
And these killer machines won't destroy me

I'm gonna find what SD might not realize
And his puny machines can never stop me

I'm gonna find, what is deep inside
And these killer machines can't destroy me

I'm gonna find what SD does not realize
And his puny machines will never stop me

Instrumental solos

The pyrohawk will set you free
Gives you the wings to fly and all that liberty
I'm gonna find, gonna find, what is hidden deep inside
And there's nothing in this world that can stop me

Breakdown, instrumental solos

The pyrohawk will set you free
Gives you the wings to fly and all that liberty
I'm gonna find, gonna find, what is hidden deep inside
And there's nothing that can get in my way!

Instrumental solo
Infection April 12, 2012, 07:08:36 AM 397 4.97 (1 vote)
Descent level 20  -- Zombie Apocalypse remake!
Tons of pitch-bending on EVERYTHING makes it sound like it's being played on a guitar synth.
Dark and badass.

Sol Industry May 11, 2012, 09:44:12 AM 297 4.97 (1 vote)
Time for a new remix!  This is a remix of... well, look at the icon and the title and then you tell me what it's a remix of.
The Forgotten September 28, 2012, 06:06:56 AM 296 1
Another D1 song I'd wanted to cover for a while.  I'd had the general idea in my head for a long time but it only went about as far as me wanting it to have vocals -- and those vocals to be sung, not rapped or Ogre'd.

So fast forward to yesterday, when I just started working on it.  And it came out beautifully.
Then I wrote lyrics and they came out beautifully too.  Generally I really like this mix, if you couldn't tell already.

A bunch of the lyrics are references to the mine (like the line about brothers fighting together), or to the moon it takes place on.  Generally I think this is one of my favourites so far.
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