

Descent MIDI/REDBOOK Correlation­s Album
Album - Owner: Alieo - 12 items
I had this theory that each Descent Redbook song was actually a remix of a MIDI/HMP/HMQ "GAMEXX" counterpart. This album is an audio illustration of such. Until I can hear from the likes of Allister Brimble, Dan Wentz, Mark Morgan, Johann Langlie, Ron Valdez, Larry Peacock, or Mark Walk & Ogre from Skinny Puppy to confirm or deny this, this is just a theory only.

I made a mash-up remix of the MIDI "GAMEXX" songs with what I think is it's Redbook Audio counterpart.
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 Views: 65
Dec 14, 2012
 Views: 69
Dec 14, 2012
 Views: 160
 Comments: 1
 Rating: 4.97
Jun 16, 2012
 Views: 284
 Comments: 3
 Rating: 4.99
Jun 10, 2012
 Views: 115
Jun 10, 2012
 Views: 133
 Rating: 2.27
Jun 10, 2012
 Views: 117
 Rating: 2.27
Jun 10, 2012
 Views: 117
 Rating: 3.17
Jun 10, 2012
 Views: 1520
May 30, 2012
 Views: 179
May 30, 2012
 Views: 160
 Comments: 1
 Rating: 4.97
May 30, 2012
 Views: 187
 Comments: 1
May 30, 2012
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