

Descent I + II - The Vintage Dreams Mix
Album - Owner: Alieo - 40 items
A SynthFont Project using the "Vintage Dreams Waves v2.sf2" sound font. I took an opposite approach from previous past projects to when I made the original MIDIs try to sound more like real orchestral instruments. This time, using the Vintage Dreams Waves sound font, I try to return that vintage feel to the old MIDIs/OPL3s with this high quality synth-heavy sound font. It was challenging on some percussion-heavy songs because there aren't many percussion instruments to choose from.

And the banks were all screwed up; none of these songs were a straight translation to this sound font--I had to select the instruments by hand for each MIDI track because the bank to the Vintage Dreams Waves sound font wasn't numbered correctly. For example, a square in the original MIDI would've translated to some annoying off-key bell--so everything had to be reassigned by ear and by hand.

Also, MOST of the MIDIs that were shorter, under the 3:30 mark, got extended, but in a way that made it sound like the song had an extra verse. Game10 is no longer the longest song, now Game15 is. And for Game20, which was really short, I extended it from the beginning and gave it a lead-in progressing intro.

I hope you like my interpretation!
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55. Descent II Credits (Vintage Dreams Mix) January 30, 2020, 10:35:40 PM 211
Music from Descent 2, Credits
Original Track: "Credits" by Dan Wentz
Rearranged By: DJ Hearseman (formerly Texace12, formerly formerly Alieo) via SynthFont

And that concludes all of the Vintage Dreams project I've been putting off for five years now. I'd like to make a new variation of each world (a Quartzon mix, Brimspark, Limefrost spiral) for each of the 4 songs, but I've been very busy lately. Got my CDL 3 years ago and drive trucks now, got engaged two years ago, and lost my father last year. Lots of changes. I simply don't have time to devote to Descent related stuff lately. I still pop Descent music on every now and then, of course. Y'all be good! Hopefully I get the D2 files done before 2030?
54. Descent II Game04 (Vintage Dreams 'Zeta Aquilae' Mix) January 30, 2020, 10:31:17 PM 238
Music from Descent 2, Level 4: AHAYWEH Gate
Original Track: "Game04" by Dan Wentz
Rearranged By: DJ Hearseman (formerly Texace12, formerly formerly Alieo) via SynthFont
53. Descent II Game03 (Vintage Dreams 'Zeta Aquilae' Mix) January 30, 2020, 10:29:01 PM 114
Music from Descent 2, Level 3: Wenl Mine
Original Track: "Game03" by Dan Wentz
Rearranged By: DJ Hearseman (formerly Texace12, formerly formerly Alieo) via SynthFont

My fav. Descent II song.
52. Descent II Game02 (Vintage Dreams 'Zeta Aquilae' Mix) January 30, 2020, 10:27:07 PM 9
Music from Descent 2, Level 2: Turnabout Bore
Original Track: "Game02" by Dan Wentz
Rearranged By: DJ Hearseman (formerly Texace12, formerly formerly Alieo) via SynthFont
51. Descent II Game01 (Vintage Dreams 'Zeta Aquilae' Mix) January 30, 2020, 10:25:05 PM 112
Music from Descent 2, Level 1: AHAYWEH Gate
Original Track: "Game01" by Dan Wentz
Rearranged By: DJ Hearseman (formerly Texace12, formerly formerly Alieo) via SynthFont
35. CLEAR! (Exit Vintage Dreams Mix) January 30, 2020, 10:15:21 PM 106
Music from Descent 1, Exit Theme
Original Track: "Exit" by Ken Allen, Brian Luzietti, Larry Peacock, Leslie Spitzer, Jim Torres, Tim Wiles
Rearranged By: DJ Hearseman (formerly Texace12, formerly formerly Alieo) via SynthFont
34. Awakening (Credits Vintage Dreams Mix) January 30, 2020, 10:14:11 PM 90
Music from Descent 1, Credits
Original Track: "Credits" by Ken Allen, Brian Luzietti, Larry Peacock, Leslie Spitzer, Jim Torres, Tim Wiles
Rearranged By: DJ Hearseman (formerly Texace12, formerly formerly Alieo) via SynthFont
33. EG2020 (Endgame Vintage Dreams Mix) January 30, 2020, 10:12:33 PM 108
Music from Descent 1, Ending Cutscene
Original Track: "Endgame" by Ken Allen, Brian Luzietti, Larry Peacock, Leslie Spitzer, Jim Torres, Tim Wiles
Rearranged By: DJ Hearseman (formerly Texace12, formerly formerly Alieo) via SynthFont
32. Cold Space (Briefing Vintage Dreams Mix) January 30, 2020, 10:10:45 PM 103
Music from Descent 1, Briefing
Original Track: "Briefing" by Ken Allen, Brian Luzietti, Larry Peacock, Leslie Spitzer, Jim Torres, Tim Wiles
Rearranged By: DJ Hearseman (formerly Texace12, formerly formerly Alieo) via SynthFont
31. Raging 20s (Descent Title Screen Theme Vintage Dreams Mix) January 30, 2020, 10:07:40 PM 103
Music from Descent 1 Title Screen/Descent Theme
Original Track: "title" by Ken Allen, Brian Luzietti, Larry Peacock, Leslie Spitzer, Jim Torres, Tim Wiles
Rearranged By: DJ Hearseman (formerly Texace12, formerly formerly Alieo) via SynthFont
30. Overrun (Game04 Vintage Dreams Mix) January 30, 2020, 10:05:38 PM 94
Music from Descent 1, Secret Level 3: Astoroid... something something... (can someone help? I forgot the name of the third secret level of D1. It was that really difficult one with the fusion hulks all over the place; briefing said it was overran with infected robots.)
Original Track: "Game04" by Ken Allen, Brian Luzietti, Larry Peacock, Leslie Spitzer, Jim Torres, Tim Wiles
Rearranged By: DJ Hearseman (formerly Texace12, formerly formerly Alieo) via SynthFont

New Mix from 2020!
29. Piecemeal (Game03 Vintage Dreams Mix) January 30, 2020, 10:02:33 PM 97
Music from Descent 1, Secret Level 2: Asteroid Storage Depot
Original Track: "Game03" by Ken Allen, Brian Luzietti, Larry Peacock, Leslie Spitzer, Jim Torres, Tim Wiles
Rearranged By: DJ Hearseman (formerly Texace12, formerly formerly Alieo) via SynthFont

You've heard this before. It was the one I had for Level 3, but I reassigned it to Secret Level 2 (Song 29).
28. Astro Base (Game02 Vintage Dreams Mix) January 30, 2020, 10:00:21 PM 108
Music from Descent 1, Secret Level 1: Asteroid Secret Base
Original Track: "Game02" by Ken Allen, Brian Luzietti, Larry Peacock, Leslie Spitzer, Jim Torres, Tim Wiles
Rearranged By: DJ Hearseman (formerly Texace12, formerly formerly Alieo) via SynthFont
27. Mega Missile (Game05 Vintage Dreams Mix) January 30, 2020, 09:58:00 PM 88
Music from Descent 1, Level 27: Charon Volatile Mine
Original Track: "Game05" by Ken Allen, Brian Luzietti, Larry Peacock, Leslie Spitzer, Jim Torres, Tim Wiles
Rearranged By: DJ Hearseman (formerly Texace12, formerly formerly Alieo) via SynthFont

Notes: Had to borrow the helicopter and seashore tracks from another sound font file.
26. Eerie Ectoplasm (Game04 Vintage Dreams Mix) January 30, 2020, 09:55:34 PM 89
Music from Descent 1, Level 26: Pluto Military Base
Original Track: "Game04" by Ken Allen, Brian Luzietti, Larry Peacock, Leslie Spitzer, Jim Torres, Tim Wiles
Rearranged By: DJ Hearseman (formerly Texace12, formerly formerly Alieo) via SynthFont
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