

Album - Owner: Sidhe Priest - 12 items
Voice androids. Take over the world. Well, not quite yet. The technology's quite primitive, it'll take until version 3 until they'll stop sounding artificial...
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Vocaloid Sonika Box
 Views: 816
Jul 21, 2009
 Views: 409
Jan 16, 2011
 Views: 378
Jan 16, 2011
 Views: 464
Jan 16, 2011
 Views: 394
Jan 16, 2011
The Japanese vocaloid crowd. They aren't that good in English yet...
 Views: 832
Jan 16, 2011
 Views: 766
Jan 16, 2011
 Views: 371
Jan 16, 2011
 Views: 395
Jan 16, 2011
 Views: 408
Jan 16, 2011
 Views: 347
Jan 16, 2011
 Views: 430
 Comments: 3
Jan 16, 2011
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