

"Invasion" Music Project
Album - Owner: D2Disciple - 5 items
Here is my current work in progress: my Descent music project, named after the late Descent IV: Invasion project. Over the course of this summer, I plan on remaking as many Descent songs as I can. Check back often over the summer to see the current news!

  • Assault on Titan (Game12).
  • Victum Maria (Game03)

In progress:
  • Outbound (Game 17)

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Name Posted Views Comments Rating
Assault On Titan (Game12) May 02, 2009, 12:30:57 PM 1186 3 4.98 (2 votes)
Remake of the game12 MIDI score to Descent.

Arrangement, recording, and mixing by Clifton Gardner.
Original MIDI soundtrack by Interplay, all rights reserved.
No original material was used in the making of this arrangement.
Victum Maria (Game03) May 22, 2009, 10:07:14 AM 1180 6 4.98 (2 votes)
The second installment of my Invasion music project.

The title "Victum Maria" is latin for "Conquer the Sea." The darker, smoother portions of the moon were thought to be bodies of water by earlier scientists; thus, they were named "Maria."

It has a funky rock-and-roll rhythm to it; the bass kick drum carries the beat. Enjoy.
In Situ - Premix 4 August 08, 2015, 06:46:33 PM 49 1 4.97 (1 vote)
Descent Community Album 2 submission - Pre-mixed
No Haven in Consequence July 14, 2009, 03:14:21 PM 837 1 4.75 (4 votes)
Number three of the Invasion Music Project.

Mostly an odd mix of industrial techno and trance electronica. I changed the melodies and song structure slightly for this, but nothing major at all. Definitely my favorite work thus far.  ;D
Prepare For It (Demo) January 02, 2013, 09:38:31 PM 65 2
After quite a hiatus and some tinkering with my new DAW recording other projects, I'm back to Descent! Here's a demo of what's to come for Game01. This one has got me absolutely stoked... It's coming along beautifully. Yes, I know the melody has been altered, but changing it up was a happy accident that I think adds an even creepier atmosphere to the song. Let me know what you think!
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