

Album - Owner: Sidhe Priest - 54 items
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T-50 & F-22
Key differences:

There's a 2-seater planned for the T-50;
The T-50 has a slightly larger (78.8 sq. m. against F-22's 78.04) and better-loaded (330 kg/sq. m. against 340, max. 470 vs. 487) wing, which makes it more agile in dogfight, combined with...
3D thrust-vectoring engines (Saturn Make 117 - no…
 Views: 3141
May 19, 2010
Next-gen Russian/Indian stealthy fighter prototype. Roughly equivalent to F-22 by specs, but slightly larger, with a larger weapons bay and more complex aerodynamics. Oh, and 3D vectored thrust engines (superior agility).
 Views: 759
Dec 13, 2010
Su-27 prototype.
 Views: 1131
Oct 07, 2006
Prototype of the Blackstar in Pyromania.
 Views: 738
Dec 13, 2010
Su-37 Engine
Su-37 engine, 3D vectored thrust nozzle.
 Views: 1490
Sep 14, 2005
Su-27 - Vertical
Su-27 showing off vertical acceleration (high thrust:weight ratio, the plane can accelerate climbing).
 Views: 1230
Nov 25, 2008
 Views: 441
Dec 12, 2010
 Views: 409
Dec 12, 2010
 Views: 562
Dec 09, 2010
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