

Album - Owner: Sidhe Priest - 54 items
Stuff that doesn't fit elsewhere.
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 Views: 349
Dec 23, 2010
 Views: 378
 Comments: 1
Dec 18, 2010
 Views: 372
 Comments: 2
Dec 18, 2010
 Views: 396
Feb 17, 2011
Modded Denon AH-D310
These are my make (OK, modding) and belong to Wolf on Air.
Photo by Wolf on Air.
 Views: 976
Sep 05, 2012
 Views: 351
Jan 23, 2011
 Views: 462
Dec 23, 2010
Olga Wearing DN-HP500
Recabled/modded Denon DJ DN-HP500
 Views: 1013
May 02, 2010
 Views: 581
 Rating: 3.56
Dec 16, 2010
 Views: 597
Dec 15, 2010
 Views: 532
 Rating: 4.97
Dec 21, 2010
 Views: 281
Feb 15, 2011
 Views: 326
Dec 24, 2010
Visiting scorpion. In the bathroom. Already squished.
 Views: 755
Jul 14, 2010
Scorpion In A Jar
Housemate kept it for three days or so. Then she released it in the grass near the house's entrance. The poor thing died the next day, of exhaustion.
 Views: 828
Aug 08, 2010
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