

User Albums...
Album - Owner: The Chief - 2 items
Users who have a post count of five or more may create user albums and upload media.
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User Uploaded Media
This is an example of user uploaded media.
 Views: 2036
 Comments: 2
 Rating: 4.98
Apr 24, 2009
Embed media.
This is an example of a video on YouTube, embedded here. Note: use the 'URL' field on YouTube, NOT the 'Embed' field.

Don't forget the keywords! They are important for anyone searching the site.
 Views: 978
 Comments: 2
 Rating: 4.99
Apr 24, 2009
Aeva Media 1.4w © 2008-2011 Nao & Dragooon - Wedge: level up your forum!

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