

Some stuff + a different kind of character
Album - Owner: Kaiaatzl - 16 items
Contains some of the best of Operation Otter, and Shadow Play (my most ever downloaded file).

Coming: On Wednesday (if there is good weather), I'll add some photos of the Red River and St Boniface Cathedral (both taken from the same spot).  Depending on the weather, this can be the most beautiful spot in Winnipeg (that I've seen, as I've never been to the north end of the city.  I live in the South Center).

Next year: Some of my own alter-egos who I made up this past weekend at Klixovann's Kottage (KRUEL GRAMMAR!!!).  They include:

All of these guys are hilariously badly done costumes (tentacles = pool noodles).
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Name Posted Views Comments Rating
Another screenshot of my demo level October 12, 2010, 09:58:40 PM 911
This one shows the new way I discovered to do water using transparency.  Kind of like the way it was done in Arrilen Po for D3.

The screen was taken in the repair center.
A screenshot of my D2X-XL demo level October 12, 2010, 09:52:17 PM 1069
The first screenshot of the level that I'm building to show off as many D2X-XL features as I can.  This screenshot really only shows off the structure of one of the rooms (which isn't quite done yet).  All the bridges are wind tunnels.

The level will also showcase a cool new way I found to make water look more realistic, but you'll see that when I release the map.
Army of Haloon: Into the Deep October 12, 2010, 01:24:40 PM 654
Second part of the level 5 music for Army of Haloon.
Army of Haloon: Antigrav October 11, 2010, 09:48:50 AM 552
Part of the level 4 music for this awesome D3 mission.
Army of Haloon: Deus Ex Machina October 09, 2010, 09:05:54 AM 551
The music that plays the first time you fight the Army of Haloon.
Also the the Haloons' theme.
Beta Ceti 2 - Treacherous Intent (Okumo Orbital Station) August 08, 2010, 07:45:24 PM 1069
Luna Pavin - Vengeance (Folsd G'olo) August 08, 2010, 07:44:36 PM 477
Fool's Gold
Luna Taron - Colosseum (AGox-Fal Tse'erm) August 08, 2010, 07:43:49 PM 487 4.07 (1 vote)
What does the level name mean?
+50 if you unscramble the anagram.
Yes, I know it's vain.
Qon -- Ghosts of the Past (PTMC Archives Facility) August 08, 2010, 07:42:51 PM 455
The PTMC archives are haunted!
Sypha - Pluto (PTMC Plutonium Dig) August 08, 2010, 07:41:54 PM 493
Xhiraph - Victims of Fate (Temporal Research Facility) August 08, 2010, 07:41:08 PM 448
Slow motion and bullet time will be only on one secret level.
Xhiraph - Kinesis (Etan Syroid Pyra) August 08, 2010, 07:40:12 PM 477
Vaera - Level Up (Vaera Mining Pit) August 08, 2010, 07:39:18 PM 490 3.17 (1 vote)
Vaera - Oblivion (Thunderstorm Caverns) August 08, 2010, 07:38:24 PM 475
Anyone know how to do special characters like "AE"?
Nivvea - Neglect (Frozen Ridge Mine) August 08, 2010, 07:37:34 PM 504
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