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BOR-4S Mockup
This is something that came up several years after PM was released. Turns out in the USSR there was an orbital interceptor project, "BOR". It was to be armed with radar-guided missiles for downing satellites and spacecraft in Earth's orbit. This is the BOR-4S aerodynamic mockup. Looks like Blackstar…
 Views: 726
Posted by Sidhe Priest
Aug 19, 2011
in Pyromania
 Views: 115
Posted by Alieo
Jun 10, 2012
in Descent MIDI/REDBOOK Correlati…
 Views: 894
 Comments: 4
 Rating: 4.98
Posted by Kaiaatzl
Jan 31, 2011
in Easy Streaming and Linking - p…
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User Uploaded Media
This is an example of user uploaded media.
 Views: 1881
 Comments: 2
 Rating: 4.98
Posted by The Chief
Apr 24, 2009
in User Albums...
"Silent Night" - Happy Holidays from TheSynthFreq
Danielle's "Silent Nights"
Danielle's version of "Silent Nights". Check out the
Themtube page
for more info.
 Views: 0
Posted by Sidhe Priest
Dec 24, 2011
in Inspirations

Total Items: 706
Total Albums: 65
Total Comments: 266
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