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Recent Items

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Name Posted Views Comments Rating
D1 robot photographic evidence posted by SaladBadger in stuff December 28, 2009, 07:34:08 PM 1093 1 4.07 (1 vote)
photographic evidence of a D1 robot mod. Nothing fancy
Atan's Smart Mine Video posted by -<WillyP>- in WillyP December 01, 2009, 04:37:42 AM 1232 1 4.97 (1 vote)
Atan sent me this video, following a discussion at Planet Descent.com.
DarcsDesktopJuly18th2009 posted by Ronin RedFox in Darc's Misc Stuff. July 18, 2009, 07:09:04 PM 1336 1 0.47 (1 vote)
My current Desktop.
No Haven in Consequence posted by D2Disciple in "Invasion" Music Project July 14, 2009, 03:14:21 PM 823 1 4.75 (4 votes)
Number three of the Invasion Music Project.

Mostly an odd mix of industrial techno and trance electronica. I changed the melodies and song structure slightly for this, but nothing major at all. Definitely my favorite work thus far.  ;D
DarcsDesktopJune8th2009 posted by Ronin RedFox in Darc's Misc Stuff. June 08, 2009, 12:30:05 PM 1396 4 4.97 (1 vote)
My Current Desktop.

Random Items

Name Posted Views Comments Rating
Descent Desktop 2 (Green) 1440x900 posted by D2Disciple in Descent photos February 02, 2010, 02:21:04 PM 1230
Descent Desktop 2 scaled up to 1440x900 and colored green.
02 Hydraulic Pressure (GAME18 Playstation Redbook Version) posted by Alieo in Descent for Playstation June 03, 2012, 12:24:46 PM 295
"Hydraulic Pressure" by Allister Brimble
GAME18 Playstation Redbook Version

Used in: Levels 2, 20, & Secret Level 1
Hexen - The Crypts (Shadow Wood) posted by Sidhe Priest in Other Games' MIDI Music October 25, 2010, 11:07:13 PM 562
Oxygene 1 - Eminent Strings posted by Sidhe Priest in Inspirations December 03, 2010, 12:51:58 PM 420
The main instrument in Jarre's "Oxygene" is not a synthesiser, but an electronic organ, the Eminent 310U, fed through a "Little Stone" phaser.
PM3L 04 posted by Pumo in Pumo Mines August 06, 2010, 08:58:28 PM 904

Total Items: 706
Total Albums: 65
Total Comments: 266
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