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Time for the Big Guns (Orpheus Extended Arrangement) posted by Alieo in Assorted September 10, 2020, 07:59:03 PM 4
GAME22: "Time for the Big Guns" Orpheus Extended Arrangement

Orpheus SoundFont sounds so real.
Overload Transmit REVERSE posted by Scyphi in Scyphi February 23, 2020, 06:58:32 PM 11
Garbled transmission in Skoll Outpost Briefing, played in reverse.
Overload Transmit NORMAL posted by Scyphi in Scyphi February 23, 2020, 06:57:05 PM 15
Garbled transmission in Skoll Outpost Briefing, as it plays normally.
55. Descent II Credits (Vintage Dreams Mix) posted by Alieo in Descent I + II - The Vintage Dreams Mix January 30, 2020, 10:35:40 PM 80
Music from Descent 2, Credits
Original Track: "Credits" by Dan Wentz
Rearranged By: DJ Hearseman (formerly Texace12, formerly formerly Alieo) via SynthFont

And that concludes all of the Vintage Dreams project I've been putting off for five years now. I'd like to make a new variation of each world (a Quartzon mix, Brimspark, Limefrost spiral) for each of the 4 songs, but I've been very busy lately. Got my CDL 3 years ago and drive trucks now, got engaged two years ago, and lost my father last year. Lots of changes. I simply don't have time to devote to Descent related stuff lately. I still pop Descent music on every now and then, of course. Y'all be good! Hopefully I get the D2 files done before 2030?
54. Descent II Game04 (Vintage Dreams 'Zeta Aquilae' Mix) posted by Alieo in Descent I + II - The Vintage Dreams Mix January 30, 2020, 10:31:17 PM 107
Music from Descent 2, Level 4: AHAYWEH Gate
Original Track: "Game04" by Dan Wentz
Rearranged By: DJ Hearseman (formerly Texace12, formerly formerly Alieo) via SynthFont

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T-50 & F-22 posted by Sidhe Priest in Misc. May 19, 2010, 08:22:11 AM 3141
Key differences:

There's a 2-seater planned for the T-50;
The T-50 has a slightly larger (78.8 sq. m. against F-22's 78.04) and better-loaded (330 kg/sq. m. against 340, max. 470 vs. 487) wing, which makes it more agile in dogfight, combined with...
3D thrust-vectoring engines (Saturn Make 117 - no official name for the engines, they're still referred by development code) - the F-22's engines are 2D-vector only;
Improved radar signature, claimed to be smaller than F-22's (0.3-0.4 sq. m. in centimetre-range radar waves vs. F-22's 0.4-0.7);
Higher thrust:weight ratio (traditional for Russian fighters) - 1.19-1.38 combat-loaded, 0.84-0.97 max. weapons+fuel load/max. weapons load (1.17 combat/0.88 max. load for F-22);
Higher internal fuel load, 12500 kg., allowing the T-50 to work as a long-range interceptor with a high supersonic dash speed;
Higher maximum airspeed - 2100-2600 Km/h depending on altitude (most planes can actually go faster than their maximum rated airspeed, but at the risk of airframe damage);
Lighter than the F-22 (yes it's larger, but it also weighs less): 18500 kg. empty (F-22's 19820);
Higher max. G-load (10-11 g against 9.5 for the F-22).

If anything the performance is bound to be improved - the numbers are given for the T-50 prototype, not the production version (compare the T-10 with any Su-27 production variant).

Overall it's pretty similar, but the T-50 is designed to be an agile dogfighter with 3D thrust vectoring, a concept the USAF has forfeit. It has fully mobile fins (whole surfaces move, there're no rudders).
Descent Briefing - Bass Kicks Test posted by Sidhe Priest in Sounds August 08, 2012, 03:05:22 PM 134
Briefing.mid showing off parts of a new drumkit. There might be a new Soundfont drumkit, synthesised from scratch. This is still new bits mixed with old parts.
Nautilus Station -- Silicon Pistons posted by Kaiaatzl in My Warp Shockwave Soundtrack January 29, 2011, 10:43:28 AM 486 2
Level 4, and one of my favourite D2 levels of all time.
This was my second try at writing music directly into FL Studio instead of performing it on my keyboard and it turned out even better than the first.
I didn't use any arpeggio voices this time either.
Kind of a mix between the D2 level 3 midi song and Crush from D2 Redbook.
Sinepad Note 2 posted by Sidhe Priest in Sinepad Sound Scheme January 09, 2011, 04:41:59 AM 373
Monster Disco Bass posted by Sidhe Priest in Misc. January 23, 2011, 07:33:23 PM 351

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