
Audio File

04 Not That Button!… 03 Time for the Big… 02 Hydrauli­c Pressur…
03 Time for the Big Guns (GAME22 Playstation Redbook Version)
"Time for the Big Guns" by Allister Brimble
GAME22 Playstation Redbook Version

Used in: Levels 3, 16, 26, & Secret Level 2

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Item Info


  • Total Items: 157
  • Total Comments: 68
PostedJune 04, 2012, 12:41:21 PM
Filesize3820 KB
Filename03 Time for the Big Guns (Playstation Version).mp3
Last EditedJune 04, 2012, 12:44:35 PM
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Duration: 04:04
Bit rate: 128 kbps
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