Planet Descent

Community => Mess Hall => Topic started by: Alieo on November 05, 2012, 10:09:36 PM

Title: Getting cold feet about attending college again.
Post by: Alieo on November 05, 2012, 10:09:36 PM
I'm getting cold feet about attending college again. I've already accepted financial aid once in the past and turned it down and dropped out over a year ago. I just can't seem to lock on to something that I wanna do as a career. I take a step back and look at society as a whole, and I view it as sick... this whole system of needing education to "better ourselves" and being a wage slave, slave to corporatism. I want out. I don't wanna be part of "the hive." I don't wanna be a worker bee. The one thing I DO want is free time to do the things I want to do and that does not involve work. It sounds like I'm lazy, but I'm not. I just value my life too much to subject myself to a lifetime's worth of work. I need to make a decision fast because I've already been approved for financial aid for the upcoming spring semester. Do I go through college, pick something I'm not passionate about and stick it out, or do I pass up on financial aid and withdraw again--withdraw to a plan of inaction. Ah, I'm so confused right now. Whatever it is I choose to do, I do want one goal to be fulfilled. I wanna invest in multiple real estate properties and lease them out.

You see, if we all truly did something we all wanted to do, money wouldn't be an issue because we wouldn't have to be paid to do the things it is that we love.
Title: Re: Getting cold feet about attending college again.
Post by: Foil on November 06, 2012, 07:29:18 AM
Do I go through college, pick something I'm not passionate about and stick it out, or do I pass up on financial aid and withdraw again...?

Neither.  Go through college and figure out what you're passionate about during that time.  Odds are that it will change once or twice during those years... and that's perfectly fine.

The collegiate experience will actually help you figure out what you really want to do.  I went into college thinking "I'm into physics and computers", and by the time I finished my undergrad degree I had realized that what I really enjoyed the most was math. 

Don't EVER think that you're stuck to anything, especially in college.  You'll find that you can change and adjust as much as you need.
Title: Re: Getting cold feet about attending college again.
Post by: Scyphi on November 06, 2012, 08:29:17 AM
I am attending college (well, not currently, I'm off-track at the moment but I'll start up again with the new year), and the thing I hear the most from my fellow students is indecision about what they want to go into, and it's quite routine for most of all of them to change their focus at least once, if not repeatedly. I met one guy who changed his major I believe three times, and still wasn't entirely sure if that's what he wanted to go into.

Now granted, I personally never faced this indecision, I knew what I wanted to go into from day one and haven't ever doubted it, but I'm unique in this matter. It's quite normal for the average person to not be sure where or what they want to do with themselves, and it's not really that hard to see why. It's a major decision that pretty much determines where you'll be for the rest of your life (or most of it), and obviously there's a lot of pressure to not choose wrong. So a little investigation, testing around, and indecision is in order.

So, my advice for you is two things; one, try and pursue the college education anyway, through whatever means you can where possible, because it'll help in the long-run with your success your life. Second, take a step back, look at the things that interest you, and then looks at fields and focuses you could possibly go into that match up with your interests. Don't look for the ones that will be the most financially securing for you, look for the ones that interest you the most, because it won't matter how financially secure it is if you don't actually enjoy doing it.  Draw up a list of them if necessary. Then weigh the pros and cons of each and pick the one that you think you'll be happy with the most. If you feel it won't work out later on down the road, then consider pursuing one of the others on your list.

If your school cannot (or will not, depending on the school) provide the means to meet your interests, then consider moving to a school that does, if and where possible.

Naturally, you're going to have to make a final decision eventually and commit to it, but above all, don't rush into it or make any rash decisions. Consider it out fully and intelligently and make the decision you feel will be best for you and your interests. Just giving up should be a worst-case scenario at all times, though, so ONLY go that route if you really and TRULY believe that you have no other choice, but again, don't make that choice rashly.

Hopefully that helps, or at least puts you in a better position to know or figure out where to go next from there.
Title: Re: Getting cold feet about attending college again.
Post by: Alieo on November 06, 2012, 01:09:33 PM
Guys, that's the thing. I have gone to college off and on for over 9 years and I STILL can't figure it out. That's why, when I go back now, I need to plot a course and stay on it. Too expensive to play pinball with multiple college majors.
Title: Re: Getting cold feet about attending college again.
Post by: Scyphi on November 07, 2012, 07:31:29 AM
Well, then, it sounds like it's time to make a commitment. Unfortunately, there's not much I can help you with that, because the final choice is ultimately up to you. Sorry.  :(
Title: Re: Getting cold feet about attending college again.
Post by: Foil on November 07, 2012, 12:30:58 PM
If you've been in college on and off for that long, I'm guessing you have TONS of credit hours to your name.  If that's the case, I'd suggest the following:

A. Pick a degree (either the one you're closest to getting, or your favorite, but just pick one).
B. Finish that degree (shouldn't take long).
C. Now that you have a degree, doors will open, even in areas unrelated to the major.  (Companies see people with a degree as achievers, even if it's not exactly related to their business.)
D. Start working somewhere.  If you don't like it, move on.  Keep moving until you find something you like.

Again, you are not constrained to a particular type of work by a major/degree/area.  Take me for example:  After grad school (my degree program was Math), I jumped from education to insurance to testing to reporting to software development before I found the type of work I enjoy the most.  And I'll probably still change again someday.

Finishing a degree doesn't tie you down, it opens doors, even in other areas.  Go for it!
Title: Re: Getting cold feet about attending college again.
Post by: Matthew on November 07, 2012, 04:15:11 PM
Have you tried Computer Networking? If you haven't, take a couple of entry-level tech classes and see if you like it. At the very least, you'll have acquired skills and knowledge useful everywhere in life.
Title: Re: Getting cold feet about attending college again.
Post by: -<WillyP>- on November 08, 2012, 05:32:27 AM
'Slave to Corporatism' is an attitude. Corporations are groups of people who come together for a common goal. Not some faceless evil entity. Think of yourself not as a minion, but a team member. If you still feel big corporations are not for you, find small start-up companies with only a few employees.  Unless your ambition is to pound nails or flip burgers, getting a degree can only help. But don't put off getting experience while you do.

Or start your own business, freelance, in some way use your skills you already have. You don't need a degree to do that.
Title: Re: Getting cold feet about attending college again.
Post by: Alieo on November 11, 2012, 02:17:12 AM
I think what I am going to do is get a degree in Liberal Arts; it's all-encompassing, and I'm more than halfway there already. It's a bachelor's degree. It'll at least open more doors than what's open out there now.
Title: Re: Getting cold feet about attending college again.
Post by: Matthew on November 11, 2012, 07:42:09 PM
I don't think a Liberal Arts degree opens very many doors, honestly. Do you have even a vaguest idea of what you might like to do? What do you do with all your free time?
Title: Re: Getting cold feet about attending college again.
Post by: Kaiaatzl on November 11, 2012, 08:39:19 PM
Not fly, apparently.  And not hunt mice or rabbits or voles either.
Though that is a valid question.  Why shouldn't you be able to, say, get a job at a radio station doing song mashups?
Title: Re: Getting cold feet about attending college again.
Post by: Alieo on November 12, 2012, 12:31:55 AM
Mostly, in my free time, I do what you see in my Deviant Art channel (link in signature below). I just don't know what else to do. I know I need to have a "professional job" because I certainly could not make it on my own with this part-time grocery job. There is seriously not one piece of subject matter that interests me in schools. Well, I take that back... all the things that interest me require deep levels of advanced mathematics and calculus, and if it took me three attempts to pass "College Algebra" with a 70 on that third attempt, then it doesn't take a mathematician to tell you that the odds are not in my favor for passing higher level mathematics. In fact, I would have LOVED to have been an architect or some sort of design engineer for buildings, but calculus would be required. I went through regular tutoring AND took that college algebra class solo just so I could ensure that I pass it. Back in those days, I had the funds to pay for college by itself without loans. Now, the money has run out and I must rely on loans. The way loans work here is, you gotta go full-time or you don't receive loans. That's just the way it is, so there's no effing way in hell I'd pass higher level math while taking other classes (on the first 9 attempts, mind you).

The only concrete thing I've thought about is doing voice-overs. I have a big arsenal of voices. Also, I have a keen ability to memorize long strings of numbers. That is something I've always pondered about utilizing in the workplace. In my current job at the grocery store, it allows me to memorize bar codes of frequently purchased items fast so I can check them out for customers faster; not just 4-6 digit produce codes, but full-blown 10-11 digit bar codes. For example, a bundle of firewood is 2687100094. I see that number not as 10 numbers, but as 4 numbers: 26-871-000-94. In my brain, numbers combined look like a "face" or a "character" to me; that's just what my mind sees. Some examples are: 25 looks like it's smiling, 32 looks like the expression you make after you suck on a lemon, 11 is raised eyebrows (but not in this font; it can't have the serifs on the bottom of the 1's), 77 looks annoyed, 26 is a grimace, 53 is someone smiling with straight bangs... ah, there's many more examples.

But I digress, I just think a liberal arts degree would be better than nothing. EVERY career path I've said "I'm certainly going to do this THIS time" has changed a couple of weeks later. Some ideas of career paths I've recently thrown out the window are: Hotel/motel management, teaching high school, and a business degree (requires calculus). It is so frustrating, but I gotta choose a path. This article gives me hope as to the many different things I could do with a liberal arts degree: (

Oh, and Kia, as far as the flying thing does, I plan on getting back on one of those planes soon this winter. I used to be really scared of riding those elevated freeway interchanges (was completely fearless about them before the airplane flight on 6/24/11), but though I am not 100% fearless of them, I'd say I'm 80% better. I think I'll get over it if I face my fears on it again.
Title: Re: Getting cold feet about attending college again.
Post by: Kaiaatzl on November 12, 2012, 05:48:27 AM
It sounds like you could have a synaesthesia, or some variant on it. (

Just because you need a career doesn't mean it can't be something you love.  So many people think it does and they spend their lives doing things they really don't care about or enjoy, and just don't end up living full lives.  Why don't you try getting voice training and see where it goes?  You could probably get lessons at pretty much any music school.

And I was actually talking about the lack of live eagles in this thread.
Title: Re: Getting cold feet about attending college again.
Post by: Scyphi on November 12, 2012, 08:16:25 AM
Ditto that. Be sure it's something you'll enjoy doing, regardless of whether or not the odds are in your favor. If you want it bad enough, though, then the odds become better the harder you work for it. So if that's REALLY what you want to do, then by all means, go for it! :D

And for the record, there is nothing wrong with a liberal arts degree. There's actually a great many viable careers to be had from that, and the link Alieo posted is only a mere taste of the possibilities. ;)
Title: Re: Getting cold feet about attending college again.
Post by: SaladBadger on November 12, 2012, 09:23:27 PM
Heh, I went into college thinking I'd be studying CS most of the time. I believe, however, that so far I've taken more classes relevant to a fine arts degree. heh. Things do tend to change, I honestly couldn't imagine myself trying to do any sort of art-related projects when I stepped forth into the building over a year ago, heh.