

Descent: Orchestrate­d
Album - Owner: Alieo - 34 items
Fun with different soundfonts applied to D1/D2 MIDIs!
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DESCENT (Acid Mix) January 22, 2013, 12:01:06 AM 82 1
Brought back a familiar sound with this instrumentation similar to the demo version of the Descent Title theme.
GAME02 (Cyber Goth Mix) January 04, 2013, 10:27:50 PM 56
Get your goggles and gas masks on; it's GAME02 in a cyber goth rave!
GAME26 (Heaven's Gate Mix) January 07, 2013, 01:32:37 AM 52 1
This one was a MAJOR pain in the ass to record in spite of the fact I only changed out a few instruments. In the first half of the song, the French horn was only audible on the left speaker, so this took some nitty-gritty editing to get it where I wanted it; I had to independently record the French horn as a solo track, reverse stereo channels with audacity, then paste it into the beginning of the song. It was freakin' ridiculous. Also increased the pizzicato strings an octave, changed out the echo drops for a marimba because I didn't like how the echo drops sounded when they go from left to right to left to right really fast, but the vibraphone does the job and maintains that "heavenly" element I was going for.

MORE changes: harps, a flute, a dulcimer and a few more changes to give it a slightly different feel. I kept the crystal sounding thingy cuz that just goes with this song, but removed all synthetic pads. Also, a surprise ending on the drum track.  ;)
GAME01 (Grave Mix) January 04, 2013, 10:24:04 PM 50
Themed up similarly to what I did for Game20.
GAME01 (Power Mix) December 17, 2012, 07:18:45 PM 48
GAME01 with heavy metal flare.
GAME13 (Midnight Mix) December 30, 2012, 02:44:16 AM 48
Remains somewhat true to the original instrumentation of GAME13 but has its own level of uniqueness.
GAME21 (Reprise Mix) January 03, 2013, 01:23:37 PM 47
Complete overhaul of Game21.
GAME17 (Tango Mix) December 17, 2012, 03:36:07 AM 45
It's a dance with death.
GAME22 (Blowout Mix) January 05, 2013, 12:16:56 AM 45
THIS is a fine example of what this sound font is capable of. I didn't edit ANYTHING except for the swapping of the warm pad for the string ensemble you hear in the background in the intro, AND I adjusted one of the guitars to be an octave higher. Other than those two elements, this song is pretty much a straight MIDI translation of this sound font.
GAME12 (Hightower Mix) December 23, 2012, 10:56:17 AM 42
It's... Game12! What can I say?
GAME08 (Desert Mix) December 23, 2012, 11:04:36 AM 42
I wanted to recreate this with the original feel the old OPL3 version brought, but with modern instrumentation on a good sound font.
GAME09 (Opaque Mix) December 31, 2012, 01:08:51 AM 42
I repeated the same style of instrumentation as used in GAME05's "Opaque Mix". Nothing but synthesizers and electric guitars for a dark and ominous sounding track.
GAME24 (Poltergeist Mix) January 07, 2013, 01:20:13 AM 39
"The Smelter" by Texace Psychclone

Deep in the shadows as the bell tolls
Lurks a danger down by the fiery coals
Prepare for descent, Material Defender
And watch your back on this next endeavor

Once an overseer of slag determination
The virus has modified its concentration
Camouflaged, cloaked, or suited up naturally
The Smelter looks to commit a fatality

Moderately threatening is its repulsion system
At two meters size, you just might miss him
It sometimes wields proximity bombs
But mostly makes y'all cry for your moms

So thrust your burners and fire your lasers
And load up on weapons of energy savers
Dog fighting and sniping are the keys to success
So you can move on to Dravis' next mess
GAME03 (Doppelganger Mix) December 23, 2012, 10:50:03 AM 38
I wanted to arrange the instruments in such a way that brings back the more subtle and nostalgic version of GAME03 from the original D1 demo version.

Compare with the ORIGINAL Game03 OPL3 in the D1 Demo version: http://www.planetdescent.net/index.php?action=media;sa=item;in=951
GAME14 (Deranged Mix) January 01, 2013, 04:52:57 AM 36
Kept the metal guitars and changed around some of the sawteeth and squares with acoustic guitars. Has a more creepy intro with the music box, giving its "going crazy" thus "deranged" sound.
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