

Album - Owner: Sidhe Priest - 54 items
Stuff that doesn't fit elsewhere.
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 Views: 3215
 Comments: 1
Feb 16, 2011
AKG K-240 Studio & Roland RH-50
RH-50 are Roland's low-end studio monitor headphones. In spite of which they're quad-driver - they have dedicated tweeters which sound really smooth when the headphones are recabled. Great for saxophones and any treble-based delicate music. RH-50 are much like the K-240 with less detail and an even…
 Views: 1845
Feb 19, 2009
Gunilla the cat & Castor the puppy. Gunilla hated him, but here she is in heat.
 Views: 926
Jul 31, 2010
 Views: 615
Jan 07, 2011
 Views: 531
Jan 07, 2011
 Views: 535
Jan 07, 2011
Zoom Details 2
Doom Bliss Wallpaper
Could've been larger, but well, that's what's out there in the 'Net.
 Views: 1000
 Comments: 2
Dec 12, 2011
 Views: 18
Sep 30, 2012
 Views: 15
Sep 30, 2012
 Views: 15
Sep 30, 2012
 Views: 19
 Comments: 1
Jan 26, 2013
 Views: 14
Jan 26, 2013
 Views: 503
Dec 20, 2010
 Views: 165
Sep 13, 2012
 Views: 1353
Dec 23, 2010
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