
Audio File

VRage logo V2 Descent Mac Sharewar… Overload Transmit NO…
Descent Mac Shareware Level 3 recording
Cleaned up version

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Item Info


  • Total Items: 5
  • Total Comments: 2
PostedFebruary 24, 2018, 02:27:10 PM
Filesize3108 KB
FilenameDescent Mac Shareware Level 3 recording.mp3
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Exif Metadata

Duration: 03:18
Bit rate: 128 kbps
Comments Sorting comments by date - Ascending Descending


  • Total Items: 157
  • Total Comments: 68
Comment #1 - Posted January 30, 2020, 08:42:16 PM
"Game13" was the Level THREE song in the MAC shareware? Weird! Great rendition though.
Aeva Media 1.4w © 2008-2011 Nao & Dragooon - Wedge: level up your forum!

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