

Easy Streaming and Linking - public
Album - Owner: Kaiaatzl - 23 items
For easy streaming and linking of images and music, but for things that either I don't want to keep private or their private phase is over (for example if they have to do with a story and the story has been finished, this is the place they will go.  If the story is still in progress, they'd go in the private album.)
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A Descent Door? March 13, 2012, 09:21:21 PM 541 4
This door looks awfully familiar...
Among Shards January 09, 2011, 01:12:03 PM 899 3 4.97 (1 vote)
It's worth noting that all the industrial sound effects in the background are from D3, a robot sound (the Sickle bot's motor sound) and a falling rock sound.  These sounds were too quiet to hear in-game (which makes you wonder why they were there in the first place).  It could still have legal implications though.
Cetacean Dreams (Flight Back) January 13, 2011, 11:53:47 PM 710 4.98 (2 votes)
Cetacean as in dolphin.  Just listen to the song and you'll understand the title.
This was intended to be something I'd put together quickly to test out Sytrus in FL Studio.  I ended up spending a lot more time than I had intended on the composition part and adding many more instruments than I had intended... this has more instruments than most of my other songs.  There are only two non-Sytrus synths not counting the drums -- the staggered sweep pad was done with Stringsynth + FL Buzz Adapter and the synth drum is a soundfont played in FL Soundfont player.  I finished the song about 3 hours ago and it finished rendering about one hour ago.  It's not quite as melody-centered as Among Shards but there is definitely a recognizable lead (actually several in different parts), and it is very atmospheric.
I managed to find the full cover art from Startide Rising as well (art by Jim Burns, novel by David Brin), and it seemed kind of appropriate for this.  I believe the woman is Gillian Baskin and the man is Toshio (whatever his last name was).  One of the dolphins is probably Keepiru and the other one... I can't remember her name.

And in case you're wondering, yes I do have dreams about dolphins.  In fact it's probably the kind of dream I have most.
Chaos Bolt August 23, 2011, 11:21:02 AM 592 3
Remix of Descent 2 Game 3

Keeps the percussive feel of the original and amps up the creepiness.
Musically, instead of making a couple of big changes to some parts, I made a whole lot of little changes to the key, melody, chord progression etc.  There's only really one big change in the melody and you hear it right away.

The other big changes are to the percussion to make the song feel more chaotic.  Including some cool filtering effects on the drums.
Clawed Hunters March 18, 2011, 08:59:12 AM 381
Pumo really liked this song (yes, song), and after considering for a while I decided to put it here.  Especially because it looks like our music may not make it into Descent for Wii, if it was going to I'd want to keep most of my songs secret.  This one would have been (may still be, though probably not likely), for level 17 of Vignettes, observatory row.
I'll post the lyrics later, I remember them but I don't have time to do anything other than copy-paste right now, and I can't find the document where I put them.

Easter Egg: If you cut out all the parts of the song that have lyrics, what you'll get is a probably pretty obvious remix of the Descent 1 game04 music.
Digital Worlds January 27, 2011, 09:34:41 PM 546
I decided to try making a full-length song in FL Studio using only the pattern sequencer and playlist stuff... i.e. without my keyboard.  Digital Worlds was the result.  I think it turned out very nicely, especially considering this was my first try at "writing" music instead of simply performing it.
It would work nicely for a Descent 3 level because I could easily split it into regions due to the way I made it.  Maybe IceFactor.
Dravis's Nickel Iron Mine August 02, 2014, 02:54:47 PM 527
So that's where he hid his secret stronghold.  A secret stronghold he apparently had... well, I guess every good villain needs one.
Energy Slobber September 09, 2012, 08:04:38 AM 843
Energy Drool.
Haywire August 18, 2011, 08:01:53 PM 730 6
An electro D&B remix of the Europa Mining Colony theme from D1.
It stays unusually close to the original but still adds on to it heavily.
Industrial Spill January 26, 2011, 12:05:01 AM 497 4
Silly neo-acid, only using 3 synth types: Sytrus, Wasp, and TS404.
The name has nothing to do with Industrial Accident, it's referring to spilling a liquid with pH less than 7 ;).
Industrial Spill - Gravis Ultrasound Mix April 30, 2011, 01:55:32 PM 365 3
Recorded on an emulator of the old-school gravis ultrasound midi.
Sounds pretty good.
InfilTraitor March 02, 2011, 05:28:31 PM 461 2
A mix of the styles of Gunner Down from D2 Redbook and the Starlight Carnival BGM from Sonic Colours, with a hint of the style of the "Lost Colony" music from Sonic Adventure 2 (which I've finally been able to play on an emulator of the Dreamcast :D).
It has an ending that feels like an ending but also loops seamlessly to the beginning (it's all in the drums ;)).  It's also very organ heavy (hammond style organs with cool LFOs).

Incidentally this is the first song where I was able to use the FL Maximus plugin to increase the volume without making it sound terrible.

The screenshot is from my level "7-up".

EDIT: I forgot to say that both this and StarLite were made with my keyboard, not just writing the music into FL Studio.
MINER WARS HAS RANDOM BRAINS IN JARS!!! January 27, 2013, 08:46:15 AM 502
What the title says.
I haven't encountered any random eyeballs in jars yet, sadly.
My Pet January 22, 2011, 04:36:35 PM 798
A montage of pictures of my pet, taken this afternoon.  He's not exactly the kind of pet you'd expect for sure.

And yeah, I hate that wallpaper, but changing it would be waaay too much work.
Possible Miner Wars Contribution - Among Shards January 07, 2011, 06:01:31 PM 733 6 4.97 (1 vote)
A possible contribution to the Miner Wars soundtrack.  If possible, I'd like peoples' opinions on whether it's good, and whether it sounds cinematic.
It makes me think of a lava world (or partially molten asteroid).
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