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Lego GX 5 posted by D2Disciple in Descent photos May 26, 2009, 12:30:05 PM 1292 4.97 (1 vote)
Yes, those are indeed hoses running from the intakes to the engines - it required building around the engines from start to finish, which probably added an hour to the build time. I attempted to make the ship as conceivably real as possible.
Lego GX 4 posted by D2Disciple in Descent photos May 26, 2009, 12:27:32 PM 1328
Mini-D 1032 happy in his new place of residence (after being packed up in a box for years).  :)
Lego GX 3 posted by D2Disciple in Descent photos May 26, 2009, 12:25:25 PM 1376
This joker has much firepower for a handheld rendition of our favorite zero-gravity spacecraft.  ;)

The "thumbs up" is for size comparison.
Lego GX 2 posted by D2Disciple in Descent photos May 26, 2009, 12:23:21 PM 1581
Those are some mean afterburners.
Lego GX 1 posted by D2Disciple in Descent photos May 26, 2009, 12:22:14 PM 1654
My Lego GX, ready to tackle the evils of the Post-Terran Brick Corporation.  ;D

Random Items

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Into Darkness posted by Kaiaatzl in Descent Dreams - The New Enemy Within OST November 26, 2010, 08:52:33 PM 596
Theme of Level 23: A Road that Leads

Techno-style Drum&Bass, which manages to sound playful and evil at the same time.
A very interesting song for a very interesting level.
Another screenshot of my demo level posted by Kaiaatzl in Some stuff + a different kind of character October 12, 2010, 09:58:40 PM 835
This one shows the new way I discovered to do water using transparency.  Kind of like the way it was done in Arrilen Po for D3.

The screen was taken in the repair center.
Doom II - Running from Evil posted by Sidhe Priest in Other Games' MIDI Music October 25, 2010, 06:51:23 PM 628 4.97 (1 vote)
Scorpion In A Jar posted by Sidhe Priest in Misc. August 08, 2010, 11:25:16 PM 819
Housemate kept it for three days or so. Then she released it in the grass near the house's entrance. The poor thing died the next day, of exhaustion.
GAME26 (Heaven's Gate Mix) posted by Alieo in Descent: Orchestrate­d January 07, 2013, 01:32:37 AM 52 1
This one was a MAJOR pain in the ass to record in spite of the fact I only changed out a few instruments. In the first half of the song, the French horn was only audible on the left speaker, so this took some nitty-gritty editing to get it where I wanted it; I had to independently record the French horn as a solo track, reverse stereo channels with audacity, then paste it into the beginning of the song. It was freakin' ridiculous. Also increased the pizzicato strings an octave, changed out the echo drops for a marimba because I didn't like how the echo drops sounded when they go from left to right to left to right really fast, but the vibraphone does the job and maintains that "heavenly" element I was going for.

MORE changes: harps, a flute, a dulcimer and a few more changes to give it a slightly different feel. I kept the crystal sounding thingy cuz that just goes with this song, but removed all synthetic pads. Also, a surprise ending on the drum track.  ;)

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