
Audio File

Hexen - Zedek's Tomb… Lemmings - Lem10.mid Nobody Told Him Abou…
Lemmings - Lem10.mid

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Sidhe Priest

  • Total Items: 232
  • Total Comments: 31
PostedNovember 03, 2010, 04:54:29 PM
Filesize2671 KB
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Duration: 01:10
Bit rate: 311 kbps
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  • Total Items: 198
  • Total Comments: 105
Comment #1 - Posted November 11, 2010, 09:21:45 AM
Is this one of the songs by CoLD SToRAGE?  I know he did music for Lemmings as well as WipEout (and he's one of my favourite video game composers).

Sidhe Priest

  • Total Items: 232
  • Total Comments: 31
Comment #2 - Posted November 13, 2010, 10:26:17 PM
Nо idea, but it is a happy-go-lucky version of the funeral march...
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